O God, in Whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us rain, in due abundance, that, being sufficiently helped with temporal, we may the more confidently seek after eternal gifts. Through Christ, our Lord. |
This is one of our hay fields. You can see the stress it's going through with the lack of rain. As you drive around you'll see lots of fields that look like this one. |
The pigs had to come over to say "hi"...Hi Pigs! |
The squash and pumpkin patch had to get replanted because it didn't germinate well the first time. In a normal year these plants would all be touching by now. |
Our beautiful brown lawn. Many people around here haven't mowed their grass for a month. |
Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower...this patch we've been able to get water to but the harvest is very slow. |
Tomatoes...we've been able to get water to some of these and are watching them for early blight. |
This is Mark's corn or one of the fields. You can see the leaves curling up looking for rain. |
This is the sweet corn. It was planted before the previous picture and looks like this. I'm not even sure if we'll be able to get any corn this year. |
Close up of the sweet corn. |
These plants are only about a foot high...should be up to our waist and starting to tassel. This part of the garden is too far away to get water to it. |